Acupuncture works to help maintain your body's equilibrium. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to regulate the flow of 'Qi' your body's vital energy. For a number of lifestyle and environmental reasons, Qi can become disturbed, depleted or blocked, which can result in some symptoms of pain and illness or disease. In certain circumstances, traditional acupuncture can be an effective therapy to help restore balance and promote physical and emotional harmony.
Treatment is aimed at the root cause of your condition as well as your main symptoms. This approach helps with resolving your problem and enhancing your feeling of well-being. You may notice other niggling problems resolve as your main health complaint improves.
Acupuncture originated in China and other far eastern cultures, where it still features in mainstream health care, both as a stand-alone therapy and
in combination with conventional western medicine. Acupuncture is now widely used and accepted all over the world. In the UK, more and more people are finding out what acupuncture can do for them.
Treatment is aimed at the root cause of your condition as well as your main symptoms. This approach helps with resolving your problem and enhancing your feeling of well-being. You may notice other niggling problems resolve as your main health complaint improves.
Acupuncture originated in China and other far eastern cultures, where it still features in mainstream health care, both as a stand-alone therapy and
in combination with conventional western medicine. Acupuncture is now widely used and accepted all over the world. In the UK, more and more people are finding out what acupuncture can do for them.
Acupuncture to support IVF
Around 90% of my patients are undergoing IVF. This means that I need to be an expert in providing support for these patients, with full knowledge and awareness of the drugs used, the various (and ever-changing) protocols, the IVF clinics & their consultants and nursing staff, the investigations needed and consents procedures. I am also very aware of the emotional, financial implications, mood swings and relationship troubles and the stresses of each part of the treatment and the long wait for the result.
On top of this, I take into account each individual couple's case history - the reasons for choosing assisted reproductive techniques, the struggles you have already been through and the implications for your lifestyles, family and jobs. For most people nowadays, IVF is a choice and it is usually a positive choice. It is important to remember this and to go into it feeling optimistic. I offer tailored acupuncture sessions to help you view each new attempt in a realistic but positive light. I know from experience that this very much helps the experience of IVF and makes it less of a drain on emotions. I also recommend that a couple comes to see me, ideally, 3 months before starting IVF. This gives me and you, a chance to put right things that may be wrong especially linked to diet and stress. It takes around 3 months for both sperm and egg to develop so the earlier you come, the more chance there is of improving sperm and egg quality for your IVF cycle.
Acupuncture is used especially during IVF. Usually weekly sessions are given during the down-regulating phase, weekly or bi-weekly during the stimulating phase (depending on your predicted response) and then once pre, and once post embryo-transfer. During each of your acupuncture sessions I offer you the choice of listening to some guided hypnotherapy tailored to each stage of your protocol. I also suggest you come once around 'implantation' (approximately day 5-6 post fertilisation) and during the wait for results as acupuncture is very effective in helping you to keep calm and anxiety levels low.
On top of this, I take into account each individual couple's case history - the reasons for choosing assisted reproductive techniques, the struggles you have already been through and the implications for your lifestyles, family and jobs. For most people nowadays, IVF is a choice and it is usually a positive choice. It is important to remember this and to go into it feeling optimistic. I offer tailored acupuncture sessions to help you view each new attempt in a realistic but positive light. I know from experience that this very much helps the experience of IVF and makes it less of a drain on emotions. I also recommend that a couple comes to see me, ideally, 3 months before starting IVF. This gives me and you, a chance to put right things that may be wrong especially linked to diet and stress. It takes around 3 months for both sperm and egg to develop so the earlier you come, the more chance there is of improving sperm and egg quality for your IVF cycle.
Acupuncture is used especially during IVF. Usually weekly sessions are given during the down-regulating phase, weekly or bi-weekly during the stimulating phase (depending on your predicted response) and then once pre, and once post embryo-transfer. During each of your acupuncture sessions I offer you the choice of listening to some guided hypnotherapy tailored to each stage of your protocol. I also suggest you come once around 'implantation' (approximately day 5-6 post fertilisation) and during the wait for results as acupuncture is very effective in helping you to keep calm and anxiety levels low.