'The unbelievable strength of a mother's love can be seen in a woman trying to conceive after a loss.'
Miscarriage is such a tough topic for so many women but the reality is that is not so uncommon at least 1 in 4 women will experience miscarriage and sadly it’s something that I see all too often in my clinic. This can be a devastating event, particularly if it follows a long period of infertility and the sense of loss can be exacerbated by societal and cultural taboos surrounding miscarriage. Many women are left feeling isolated, confused and lost as to what to do next, or where to look for help.
I have many years of experience in helping women navigate both physically, mentally and emotionally after such devastating loss.
I use a sprinkling of magic through acupuncture and womb massage, which help your body physically heal and regain hormone balance and at the same time I work to help heal my patients from the trauma and grief that often accompany a loss.
Following the loss of a baby, there is no right or wrong time to start trying again.
Some couples want to start the process straight away, others need time off with time to heal. Who knew that trying for a baby in the future might potentially involve trauma and anxiety, rather than desire and passion. So, if you find yourself needing a little reassurance in this area, look no further than this program. Most of the work I do around miscarriage and pregnancy loss involves helping women recover both physically and emotionally, it's a healing process and not one that can be rushed.
This 6 week 1-1 restorative support program has been designed to help you move away from the frustration and confusion of miscarriage and pregnancy loss. There is a concerning lack of support for both the physical and emotional toll of miscarriage. Often dismissed as a ‘statistical anomaly’ or attributed to random chance, the emotional impact on couples is often underestimated. Many couples find themselves navigating a labyrinth of medical consultations, each offering minimal insights or concrete solutions. Or even worse being told to ‘just try again’ or ‘it’s just bad luck’. The reality is, there are often causative factors for miscarriage that can be addressed but the lack of investigation and early intervention (no one should have to suffer 3 losses before they are offered testing) means couples are left in a position where they feel exhausted, lost and with
no answers, scared to try again for fear of another loss.
At our first consultation we will delve deep into what maybe causing your losses and I may recommend further testing for you based on your clinical picture. Often the signs and symptoms of what maybe going on are there but they are overlooked or not even recognised as a possible factor! It will allow you the opportunity to gain complete clarity about the factors that could be increasing your risk of miscarriage and pregnancy loss, and what you can do to minimise that risk.
Using a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western techniques you will be getting the best of both worlds, this approach can be a real game-changer when it comes to identifying your root cause factors.
I can't promise you a baby...no-one can but I will use every tool in my toolbox, as well as giving you a clear direction on what steps to take next, towards achieving your goal of a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy.
This gentle effective holistic treatment will bring you from a state of devastation and loss into a place of hope and renewal. Using a combination
of TCM acupuncture, womb massage, nutritional healing foods, teas and tonics alongside my unique HUG meditation that will aid the body
and mind to repair and heal itself.
Initially treatment sessions will focus on cleansing the uterus, enabling the body to remove any retained products and improve the uterine and hormonal environment for better implantation.
We will work on reducing any uterine bleeding, abdominal cramping, after pains and vaginal discharge you may still be experiencing. This restorative phase will encourage your body and menstrual cycle to return to normal, promote ovulation and improve cervical mucus.
In Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle and accompanying symptoms depend on the smooth circulation and balance of blood and qi (energy). Food in Chinese medicine is essential, pleasurable and medicinal so food will play a large part in the plan to build your health. Heart and health
co-exist by eating well you will nourish your Heart, which in turn will help to create the environment you need for a healthy conception.
In Chinese medicine there is a powerful saying 'The Heart opens the Womb', and we will use food to enhance the natural rhythm of the body.
It shares simple wisdom about the nutritional healing foods to eat throughout your menstrual cycle that create an optimal environment to
improve blood flow to the pelvic area and womb.
As well as addressing the physical considerations, with miscarriage and pregnancy loss there is a whole range of emotions to deal with. Feelings
of guilt, depression, failure, anger, grief, loss, envy, separation are all very common. My unique HUG meditation and breathwork techniques help alleviate these feelings so that you feel more focused and centred and better able to manage the distressing feelings that miscarriage can arouse.
Research suggests that when women are well supported in subsequent pregnancies following miscarriage, it can improve the pregnancy outcome.
So by the end of this program you will have:
- Complete clarity on the factors that are likely to be raising your risk of miscarriage.
- The knowledge you need to advocate for the investigations you may require.
- Worked through the fear and anxiety that is stopping you from taking the next step towards a healthy pregnancy.
- Nourished and balanced your body ready for a new healthy pregnancy.
- Started to heal emotional wounds.
Cost of each 1-1 session £55.